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Friday 29 January 2010

Change of plan due to shooting outside of school

Last week, me and Adam were filming at front street and we had some actors acting with toy guns which which accidently got the poloice involved with the gun as we didn't inform them our shooting. This caused the police to inform back to school and reporting our situation in our shooting. Therefore, we got halted not to shoot outside of school lessons which i and Adam were planning to shoot our scene in Durham. This lead us to change our story to another genre into a crime scene investigation and like a detective crime solve of a murder. We are planning to shoot this with 2 or 3 actors as due to some actors are not available to shoot as they have lessons.

Friday 22 January 2010

Shooting Scedule Problems

During a preparation in our shooting, we have a slight problem of getting our hands on the cameras which we tried to book for today's filming. The problem is that the Yr13 have not been able to hand back in the cameras that they have booked from Mrs Gibson. Therefore, we need to change our place of shooting our scene with one camera that we borrowed from sir.

Our Shooting we probably take place in Framwellgate's front street which we might shoot the chasing scene. But, one problem is that we could not use two cameras to shoot the scene at the same time to get a view of the shot in two different angles within the filming. However, we hope that our shot will not be affected by this matter as next time we film. Next time, we will book the cameras early before anyone does in case we won't have any cameras to shoot our film.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Media problems

Unfortunately, me and adam's shooting schedule is messed up due to Adam's abesences which we would need to change our time and day of our shooting!!! However, our shooting will not be affected by this cause also we will continue on our plan.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Preparing Filming

To sort out the shooting, me and adam have prepared some places to shoot. Firstly, we chose to shoot at some locations at his house and places like Front street which is just across our school, also we will be shooting in Durham which would be shot at the river's bridge near the bowling alley. Our production schedule is already prepared at the moment of when we could film our shootings. In our production schedule, i have produced a story board, and a script of our shooting which our shootings would contain some violence and non suitable viewings for younger adults. Our shooting would also contain some violent language that would be disturbing among other characters.

Me and Adam would hope there would be no problems in our shooting and continue on to shhot more if there are any more projects. We also hope that we would produce a good film for our project which would entertain all of you.