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Wednesday 18 November 2009

Problems faced throughout the week!

OVer the previous week and days, me and my partner were unable to film due to the problems of flat battery which caused the production of the filming to be delayed. This caused actors to to arrange another time of day to act to meet their requirement of filming on the specific day. It was hard to meet the requiremnts of the actors time as most of them are in lesson which caused us to fall back to film during after school and giving up our lunch time to film.

There are other problems faced as our camera was unable to record the footage onto the tape which caused the filming to be delayed again. However, our actors were practicing their play as they ignored the problem as they would like to film again by giving up their lunch time. The acting was fun between the actor and the production whereas my partner was entertained by the comedy as written on the script. This shows our next filming will be an entertaining production as once the the film is shown to the class.

The problem of the tape and the camera was taken back to sir to find out the problem that was caused and what caused it was the camera as it was dirty inside the recording. Therefore, sir cleaned it with a tape cleaner which solved everything as our tape had successfully recorded a footage. However, our filming was delayed to be recorded again at school.

If the filming production is finished, i would edit the footage for the film production and finish it through my free lessons which can be finished on time before the deadline.

Oh yes, forgetting to mention the actors, we have to people acting in the film as one is acting as a policeman and one is acting as a culprit. the two actors are called Keith Burn who is a Culprit and the policeman is Jack Wilson who stars in the film. In the film, it may contain voilence and foul language as it is part of the comedy rythm within the script.

1 comment:

  1. Somewhat descriptive, which is fine, although a little more technical language would improve, as well as a deatailed discussion with regard to how you might solve and prevent these problems in the future? But still, this is an excellent and engaging Blog - wish more people were reading/ commenting on it!
